
Founded in late 2021, the Australian Postgraduate Algebra Colloquium (APAC) primarily functions as a series of online seminars tailored for undergraduate and postgraduate students in algebra. The colloquium aims to provide students a platform to practice giving seminar talks on, to meet and socialise with other students and early-career researchers in algebra, and to learn about a wide range of topics in mathematics.

The word "algebra" is interpreted broadly, and we aim for the colloquium to be inclusive of, but not limited to, students in any of the following disciplines:

We also strongly encourage undergraduate students, international students, and academics to participate in the seminars and elect to give a talk.

Talk registration 

If you are interested in giving a talk, please go to Talk Registration

Colloquium Structure

All seminars will be approximately 50 minutes in length (45-minute talk + 5 minutes for Q&A). All talks should be aimed at students with an undergraduate background in mathematics and hence should be accessible to a wide variety of audiences.